Popular events like football world cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this option?

International sporting
as the FIFA World Cup and the
, play a significant role in easing international
and providing a platform for patriotic expression. I largely agree with
perspective, as these occasions foster unity, promote cultural exchange, and channel national pride in a constructive manner.
, it is undeniable that international sports competitions bring together countries from around the world, creating opportunities for dialogue and understanding.
In other words
, athletes and fans alike engage in friendly competition, which can help to diffuse political
For instance
, during the Cold War, the 1980 Moscow
and the 1984 Los Angeles
were marked by boycotts and political disputes.
like the Rugby World Cup in 1995 in South Africa showcased how sports could bridge divides, as Nelson Mandela used the tournaments to unite a nation post-apartheid.
, these
allow countries to showcase their culture and achievements, fostering a sense of pride among citizens. To be more precise, when a nation's team competes on an international stage, it
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a sense of belonging and collective identity. The 2016 Rio
for example
, saw Brazil come together in celebration despite its economic struggles. The event not only highlighted Brazilian talent but
provided a momentary escape from socio-political issues.
, it is essential to acknowledge that
sports can ease
, they can
exacerbate rivalries. In fact, nationalism can sometimes lead to hostility among fans, as seen during football matches where passionate supporters may clash. Yet, these instances are often exceptions rather than rules. In conclusion,
international sporting
are not a panacea for global conflicts, they undeniably contribute to easing
and providing a safe outlet for patriotic emotions. By providing camaraderie and cultural exchange, these occasions play a vital role in fostering peace and understanding among nations.
Submitted by Nastaran_zandy on

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Ensure to include counter-arguments and refute them with reasoning. This demonstrates a well-rounded analysis.
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Use more transitional phrases within paragraphs to enhance ideas flow and readability.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a well-structured introduction and conclusion that effectively frame the discussion.
task achievement
Specific examples, such as the 1995 Rugby World Cup and 2016 Rio Olympics, effectively support the main points.
task achievement
The response is comprehensive and addresses various aspects of the topic, showing a clear understanding.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • foster
  • mutual respect
  • prejudices
  • stereotypes
  • friendly competition
  • sportsmanship
  • cultural and national identity
  • diplomatic tool
  • informal discussions
  • political tensions
  • universal appeal
  • global community
  • shared experiences
  • excessive patriotism
  • negative nationalism
  • responsibly
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