The figure illustrates the daily consumption of three various kinds of nutrients including sodium, saturated fat and added sugars by Americans at breakfast, lunch, dinner and as a snack.
, It is evident from the data that each nutrient is consumed in different amounts per meal.
The pie chart indicates that Americans prefer fat and salty dinners. In fact, the graph shows approximately half of the amount of sodium Linking Words
consumed during the night for dinner and below 40% saturated fat was used Unnecessary verb
preparing the mentioned meal. On the other side, the US population has the highest percentage of sugar usage during their snack times.
Based on the information derived from the chart, we can claim that breakfast is the healthiest meal in the American community. Generally, the lowest percentage of mentioned nutrients were used in breakfast preparation. Dinner can be rated as the second healthiest meal.
In conclusion, overconsumption of fat and sodium during Linking Words
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the night
as well as
a high percentage of sugar rate in snacks can result in an unhealthy diet in the US. Linking Words
, the data shows that the morning meals are more balanced and close to healthy.Linking Words