Ielts Simon: Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many authorities believe that economic
is their essential purpose,
many individuals argue that other parts are required to develop as well. Even though I respect to first view, I am firmly convinced of the latter notion.
essay will discuss both benefits and will give possible constructive conclusions. There are several reasons for those who support the ultimate goal of the government is economic progress.
, high economic
means the whole national situation is stable.
trend shows the economy from the grassroots until the companies are still ongoing and keep flowing.
As a result
, many foreign investors are interested in
climate and they are willing to invest more money in Indonesia.
condition reflects and becomes the parameter to measure population well-being in some
In other words
, a country which has a good rate of economic
has a good quality life of for its inhabitants.
On the other hand
, many people think that not only the economic sector is the main goal but
the goals need evenly distributed to all national aspects.
, through
approach, all people could find the development of every part of the government services.
Remove the comma
show examples
some people think that
idea is quite hard to make real, some
have already proven to gain well-developed public services
as Public Transportation, Health care, education, and Job application.
For example
, Singapore is a member of G-9 which is known as a developed country which has the largest economic
in Asia.
country has designated nine aims as its priority to achieve,
economic progress as the only main goal.
, on
evidence rest of the
in the world are required to adopt and utilize
system for their respective goals. In a nutshell, making economic
a paramount aim results in more investors coming
due to
the stabilization of the
and improvement in human well-being.
, I strongly believe that distributing goals allows the government to make their
better in every aspect of their lives.
Submitted by mfmakarim55 on

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relevant specific examples
Ensure that all main points are fully supported with clear and relevant examples. Providing more detailed and specific examples can enhance the overall strength of your arguments.
logical structure
While the essay is well-structured, make sure to maintain a consistent focus throughout the paragraphs. Avoid switching between points without clear transitions to maintain coherence.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction and conclusion are well-defined, providing a clear overview of the essay's purpose and a summarizing statement that reinforces your opinion.
logical structure
The essay is logically structured with clear paragraphs, making it easy to follow the argument.
complete response
You have successfully addressed both views on the topic, providing a balanced discussion and a clear stance in your conclusion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • economic progress
  • job creation
  • infrastructure
  • standard of living
  • foreign investments
  • national prestige
  • social progress
  • advancements
  • healthcare
  • social equality
  • equitable societies
  • crime and social unrest
  • environmental progress
  • sustainable development
  • natural resources
  • environmental degradation
  • climate change
  • cultural progress
  • national identity
  • tourism
  • creativity and innovation
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