Some cities have few controls over the design and construction of housing and office buildings. People think that they should be free to choose the design they like. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Much has been debated over the loose regulation of the architectural styles of new houses and office
, with some arguing that it is better to allow people to have the freedom to choose the
they want.
acknowledging the reasons for
thinking, I would contend that potential benefits overshadow its perceived drawbacks. Granted, supporters are justified when stating that cities have little control over the
due to
many disadvantages.
without strict building standards, there may be an increased risk of constructing unsafe
that do not withstand natural disasters or even make challenges for escape in emergency cases.
For instance
, scarcity of land avoids the fire way which mainly caused the tragic death of 56 people in an apartment in Ha Noi City, Vietnam in 2023.
In addition
, a lack of uniformity can result in chaos, ruining the outlay of the area and leading to cultural insensitiveness. To give an example, in today's metropolises, it is not uncommon to see skyscrapers dominating the sight of ancient
that represent the cultural and historical features of the land. Despite
downfalls, I side with those who believe in allowing freedom in
. If all houses look alike, it might cause some boredom.
, the diversity in house
as the combination of classical and state-of-the-art
as well as
unique constructions encourages designers to think outside the box and develop creative thinking, which can enrich social life and enhance the visual appeal of a city.
, fewer regulations could bring economic benefits by using cheap materials or reducing the cost and time associated with obtaining permits and approvals. To illustrate,
Correct your spelling
a modular
building, affordable housing, and movable housing are the current concepts of construction by which the capital required can be minimised drastically. In conclusion, despite the demerits of the loose control over the architecture of houses namely safety concerns and cultural insensitivity, I am in favour of allowing the public to freely plan their own
by virtue of its creative freedom and economic benefits.

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