Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara dessert or the Antarctic What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Currently, many people are triggered to come the places that have high-risk obstacles,
as the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic. In
essay, I will discuss both the merits and demerits of
phenomenon. On the one hand, there are a few positive impacts of visiting a dangerous place.
and foremost, many individuals have a desire to get a new experience.
aim encourages them to get
chance that never happened before in their lives.
In other words
, many travellers are wondered to conquer the difficulties and obstacles in
kind of place.
, why people want to go there because they pursue their personal goals. Since there are acknowledgements by official offices which note unusual things, more people want to break the records.
For instance
, Indonesian men groups achieved the national record for the first Indonesian person who reach the peak of Everest Mountain in 1997,
it was
rewarded by countries around the world.
On the other hand
activity results in several detrimentals for the visitors.
, a wide range of dangerous journeys could threaten their lives. As the environments are challenging, they sometimes are not aware and
they have a lack of safety brief.
As a result
trip causes injuries and even death threats.
, the natural expedition requires a huge of money. Since the destinations are far away and challenging, it needs a lot of funds to purchase the fares, fuels, food and of course particular equipment with expensive prices.
For example
, a cold mountain climber must equip himself with a plethora of equipment
as snowboards, multilayer jackets, bags etc. In a nutshell, Doing a journey to some dangerous areas like the desert and the Antarctic gives some advantages
as Gaining new experience and personal records,
the disadvantages of
trip are threatening their lives and requiring a huge of money.
Submitted by mfmakarim55 on

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