There is a debate about the
should take responsibility for themselves to ensure their retired
relyChange the verb form
show examples
supportingChange the form of the verb
show examples
. In
essay, I will discuss both of the notions. In my
should combine the two methods together to ensure their
after retirement.
There are several reasons for those
believedWrong verb form
show examples
should take responsibility for
’s retired
the Correct article usage
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
payback since they dedicate their whole
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
working that help contribute
Change preposition
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
better society; and they pay
taxFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to the
during their young working time.
they should get better care from the
when they get old.
, it is compulsory for
establishAdd the particle
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medical security and nursing
institutionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for their citizens. A developed country not only
focusCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
on economy and technology development but
concerns basic
liveReplace the word
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security for all citizens, elderly care is one of them.
for Change preposition
show examples
those individuals who hold the
should save money for their
retiredReplace the word
show examples
they Correct pronoun usage
show examples
more safe and reliable for
ensureFix the infinitive
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their quality of old
should have awareness to arrange their
after retirement when they are young. Set a
littleCorrect word choice
show examples
budget from their salary for their retired
and invest in pension financial production to ensure their old
, nursing
institutionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
hospitalFix the agreement mistake
show examples
cannot provide the most comfortable
the Correct article usage
show examples
, most of the aged
prefer to spend their
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
with their
familyFix the agreement mistake
show examples
rather than go to old
homeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
In my
, solely
relyWrong verb form
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governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
individualFix the agreement mistake
show examples
themselves cannot ensure
retiredReplace the word
show examples
should combine the two ways together to make sure they have a better
when they are old.
can offer basic security
provideWrong verb form
show examples
Add an article
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annuityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
the annuity just can cover a part of
expenseAdd an article
show examples
of their
. If
want to have a
better retiredAdd a hyphen
show examples
they should
arrangeAdd the particle
show examples
retire budget for their
In conclusion, the pensioners
relyWrong verb form
show examples
governmentCorrect article usage
show examples
takeWrong verb form
show examples
responsibility for themselves both make sense. In my
utilizeWrong verb form
show examples
plan Verb problem
show examples
pensionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
would be better for individuals
arrangeFix the infinitive
show examples
their retired