Nowadays, people have developed poor eating habits and do not eat balanced diet. What are the reasons behind this? Suggest possible solutions to control this.

Recently, many
around the world are facing difficulties in maintaining well diets and prefer to eat processed food or drink flavoured beverages.
essay will try to identify the factors contributing to
put forward a number of solutions. There are many reasons why the public has poor and unbalanced diets. One important factor is that the time constraints many
face today have led them to cook instant food.
For example
, a businessman who eats ramen noodles in cups only with an electric kettle in the office finds it hard to eat something healthy between meetings with clients.
, knowledge about nutrition and what constitutes a health-promoting meal is still limited for many
. To exemplify, inhabitants in rural areas
Change the verb form
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never been exposed to the concept of four healthy five perfect.
, they only eat to relieve hunger without realising the nutritional value of their daily intake.
, there are
Correct quantifier usage
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various things to address the development of bad eating habits among residents.
, arranging a daily schedule is needed to improve a healthy lifestyle, including
Correct article usage
a balanced
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Fix the agreement mistake
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For instance
, office workers should make a timetable and schedule time in the morning to prepare a salad for breakfast before going to the office.
, the government can hold seminar programs or counselling for
Correct determiner usage
all walks
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of life. To illustrate, the Ministry of Health holds educational sessions for households about the importance of nutritional well-being.
As a result
, residents will become more aware of their consumption habits. In conclusion, the reasons behind poor eating habits include time constraints and
Correct article usage
an uneducated
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population. Possible solutions include planning
Correct article usage
a schedule
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can have moments to cook balanced meals.
, the government should be involved in educating the public.
Submitted by writewritingsc on

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coherence cohesion
Consider varying your sentence structures more to enhance readability and engage the reader more effectively.
task achievement
Ensure that all examples provided are clear and relevant to the points you are trying to make. Aim for consistency in the subjects of the examples.
introduction conclusion present
Your essay includes a solid introduction and conclusion that effectively frame your arguments.
supported main points
You provided relevant examples to support your main points, which helps to substantiate your arguments.
complete response
You have addressed the task quite well by identifying the reasons behind poor eating habits and providing practical solutions.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • balanced diet
  • poor eating habits
  • unhealthy food
  • fast food
  • convenience
  • advertising
  • nutrition
  • financial constraints
  • emotional eating
  • peer pressure
  • hectic work schedules
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • junk food
  • processed food
  • nutrient-rich
  • obesity
  • health consequences
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