Some think that the Olympic games help bring people from different nations together. Others, however, think that hosting the Olympics wastes money which could be used for important issues. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Recently, the Paris
has become a hot spot,
the necessity of it is open to intensive debate. Myriads petition that the
foster global communication,
others believe that the funds can be better used for other pressing
. In
discourse, I am going to expound on both edges in the forthcoming paragraphs and illustrate why I agree with the former theory.
To begin
with, the first notion is focusing on other significant matters is more important. The most prominent argument is that some pressing
as military, healthcare and infrastructure should take precedence, especially in developing countries.
For instance
, nations with low income and tense social concerns, like the crisis in Ukraine, cannot afford to spend extra money on sports and training athletes.
, countries need to prioritize urgent social
like the lack of transportation and fresh water, which contribute to folks' sense of happiness and belonging -a national priority.
On the contrary
, proponents of the
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
argue that the games lead to global unity.
, copious inhabitants believe that the Olympic games can facilitate international cooperation,
boosting both the host nation's and participants' economies. To illustrate, the popularity of sporting brands like Nike and Adidas often increases during the
, boosting corporate income and ultimately adding to national tax revenue.
, the
can enhance tourism and global visibility for the host country.
, the games promote cultural exchange and understanding ,as competitors and tourists share their viewpoints in interviews and showcase unique ethnic costumes. Indeed, during the opening ceremony of the Paris
, the host highlighted famous European literature and classical films, allowing the masses to appreciate Paris’s rich culture and motivating residents to inherit it. In a nutshell,
according to
the aforementioned arguments,
some argue that funds for the
could be used to address pressing domestic affairs, I personally believe that holding international competitions is beneficial for globalization.
, it is crucial to balance these events with attention to domestic
to ensure
national well-being.
Submitted by xeyojnn on

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task achievement
Try to provide a more detailed analysis when discussing counterarguments to ensure you are addressing all aspects evenly.
coherence cohesion
Make sure that each paragraph is not too lengthy to maintain reader engagement and clarity.
coherence cohesion
The essay features a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frame the discussion.
task achievement
Main points are supported by relevant examples, such as the reference to the crisis in Ukraine and the economic impact of brands like Nike and Adidas during the Olympics.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • international unity
  • camaraderie
  • cultural exchange
  • infrastructure investment
  • local economies
  • redirect resources
  • pressing social issues
  • long-term debts
  • national pride
  • global recognition
  • mismanagement
  • corruption
  • boost tourism
  • global visibility
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