Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now ‘on big traffic jam’ How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

It is believed that
is one of the crucial inventions in history. But, in the
thirty decades, the number of vehicles has exceeded which led to huge
Fix the agreement mistake
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in cities. In
essay, I will explain my view in
case and talk about the tools that governments figure out solution to decrease using it. First and foremost, I agree with the increasing number of cars in recent periods and
increase has led to congestion, especially in the city
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or main road during the peak working hours at 07 am and 5 pm because everyone has gone to work. At
time the difficulty to reach places needs more time than in different time zones because all people have used their car
of using public
For instance
, In Istanbul, everyday people spend more than 2 hours to get their work still and visa versa.
On the other hand
, the one of approaches that governments work on is infrastructure and providing multiple
ways to mitigate
as building bridges, tram stations, and tunnels and encouraging people to use them rather than their cars through reducing wages and raising the fuel cost.
, they eradicate the
In addition
to building the facilities out of the city and providing
helps to mitigate the crowd
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the city center.
For example
, nowadays for a short trip to markets or restaurants humans get used to going by car
of walking or using eco-friendly ways.
To sum up
, governments have to figure out solutions and always plan to eradicate
jam problems. Especially, in the industrial and capital cities.
Submitted by ahmedom3991 on

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task achievement
In order to meet the task requirement more effectively, the essay could provide a more detailed analysis of the issue. For example, discussing the nature of rapid car ownership increase with some statistical data or trends would add depth to the argument.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that ideas are clearly and logically connected. In some parts, the transition between ideas could be smoother. For instance, linking government initiatives directly to the reasons they reduce car usage would enhance coherence.
coherence cohesion
While the essay has a logical structure, it could benefit from a more organized layout. Ensuring that each paragraph focuses on a single main idea that is clearly introduced and concluded would improve the flow.
task achievement
There are a few grammatical and syntax errors that could be improved for clarity. For instance, 'the number of vehicles has exceeded' could be changed to 'the number of vehicles has increased significantly,' and 'visa versa' should be 'vice versa.'
introduction conclusion present
The introduction sets a clear context for the essay, outlining both the problem and the intended discussion about solutions.
supported main points
The essay acknowledges and addresses the prompt with relevant examples, such as referencing Istanbul's traffic issues.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion summarizes the main points effectively and provides a coherent end to the discussion on government measures.
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