The internet provides us with information about life and cultures of different countries and some people say it is not necessary to visit these countries to learn about them. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

With the advent of technology,
can get information about any corner of the world. Some humankind feel that to get knowledge about life and cultures they do not have to
any country because the
has all the data about the earth. Some think the opposite, they believe that
can not get physical experience by watching videos and reading information about different lands so , in
essay, I would like to take the middle view and I will give my opinion with examples in upcoming paragraphs. To commence with, human beings think that if they get details of overseas countries of
and their tradition
, travelling that kingdoms are waste of time. Tacitly, they prefer to stay at home and surfing on the google about various places.
As a result
, mortals save their money and most importantly time.
, individuals who are unfit and not able to
the strange land, for them the
is served as a blessing.
For instance
, old age
, handicapped humans and middle-class
are not able to go to foreign countries
due to
a lack of money and physical strength.
, they all entertain themselves by getting information about various cultures and life.
On the other hand
, some persons deem that some physical experiences they can not get on the
as tasting various food of other communities.
one can not be tried by watching photos. To hit the nail harder, the
may only give a glimpse of the places as it has a limit to its content. By
, I mean that the
cannot make us understand the infrastructure of the place or the feeling of localities.
For example
, when
different places they can talk with
Correct article usage
the local
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public and get knowledge about them in detail.
, having surfed the
may lead us to have a false impression of a spot since everyone has a different perspective on enjoying a place.
To conclude
, person is feet and financially able to
the world, it is advisable to explore foreign territories on their feet
they can take advantage of the
and make their selves knowledgeable. Ergo, In my opinion, both perspectives
Correct subject-verb agreement
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right on their own matters.
Submitted by kaverigoti2209 on

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Your essay could be improved by providing more precise and concrete examples to back up your arguments. This will make your points more convincing and relatable.
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Try to use a wider range of vocabulary and sentence structures to make your essay more engaging. Also, ensure that your ideas are expressed more clearly and concisely.
coherence cohesion
Work on the logical flow of your essay. Ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next, maintaining a coherent structure throughout.
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Your introduction effectively outlines the scope of your essay, but try to make sure it is more captivating to grab the reader's attention. Your conclusion could also be refined to succinctly summarize your main points with a stronger closing statement.
Pay close attention to grammar and punctuation to avoid small errors that can distract from your main points. Proofreading can help catch these issues.
task achievement
You have provided a balanced perspective on the issue, acknowledging both sides of the argument.
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Your essay includes relevant points, addressing the main aspects of the prompt.
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The introduction and conclusion are present and provide a clear framework for the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • authentic experiences
  • first-hand experiences
  • face-to-face conversations
  • cultural practices
  • bridging cultural gaps
  • personal growth
  • problem-solving skills
  • adaptability skills
  • online resources
  • real-world experiences
  • misrepresentation
  • biased
  • emotional connections
  • virtual exploration
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