Some people think competitive sport is important for a child's education. Others think it has negative effects on children. Discuss both views and give your opiniion

played a crucial role in enhancing our mental and physical health. It is integrated with all schools and considered as a new subject.
, A wide range of individuals believe that competitive games are essential for our children's education,
others assume that it has hazards. In
essay, I will elaborate on both views. On the one hand,
have a positive effect on our children. It can improve their muscles and bones.
, when they are applied for a competition, it can spark their spirits. The
can teach them when they can celebrate and when they can not.
can increase their manners and their sportsmanship.
For instance
, In China, every month, a confined competition is established.
made the kids connect with other kids in another area.
assisted the child to improve his communication skills and manners.
On the other hand
, it can have its drawbacks.
, the kid may feel jealous if he loses.
can affect his spirit.
In addition
, he can be more violent and want to hurt others if he loses. One of the sparked instances, was when the Egyptian cyclist stuttered her competitor. It felt and had serious injuries. Moving
, some of the pupils will waste their time. They will concentrate on
and will be careless about their subjects.
will reflect on their marks and can diminish it. In conclusion, there will be a debate on
statement. The school teachers and parents should play a critical role in to balance between studying and playing. They should
teach them the meaning of the sportsmanship.
Submitted by mohannadsme on

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