In the future, nobody will buy printed books or newspapers because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying? To what extent, do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In times to come, none will purchase sent to press books and newspapers. Everybody will have
to these without paying for them on the
. In my opinion, I partly agree with
statement. On the one hand, why pay for something that one can easily get for free online? Young
, teenagers, and young adults will prefer reading their journals and newsprints online because they are able to easily get
to that information without struggling.
In addition
information will be accessed anytime and anywhere and can be shared with others as many times as possible.
For example
, at WSEI University, it was noted that in future, students will
certain textbooks online as it is cheap for all.
On the other hand
, some
prefer printed press and handbooks because they are not familiar with the
especially the elderly. They are accustomed to reading in the traditional way.
, they might find it difficult to adapt to the new way of reading online.
, some of them believe that the
is detrimental to their health, not only is it time-consuming, but it
exposes their weak eyes to blue light that may cause eye damage in the future.
, it should be noted that other
prefer printed newspapers and books as compared to reading online. In conclusion, no one in the future will buy journals, novels or textbooks that are set in print.
will have
to these online and will read same for free. I am partly in agreement with
statement because considering the eldering who may not be familiar with the
, they will
Remove the comma
show examples
want to stick to reading the physical newspaper.
, looking at their age, they may avoid the
because their eyes are weak and fragile and
, the
will be time-consuming for them.
Submitted by pncubeterera on

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relevant specific examples
Try to provide more specific examples, especially in the second body paragraph, to support your points better. This can strengthen your arguments and make them more convincing.
Be careful with minor grammatical errors and word choices. For example, 'eldering' should be 'the elderly' and 'sent to press books' should be 'printed books'.
clear comprehensive ideas
Expand more on your ideas to make your response more comprehensive. Some points feel a bit underdeveloped and could use more detail.
introduction conclusion present
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps in giving the response a good structure.
logical structure
You divided the essay logically, addressing different viewpoints in different paragraphs. This enhances the logical flow of the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • printed books
  • newspapers
  • online reading
  • digital content
  • paywall
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-saving
  • environmental impact
  • traditional reading experience
  • ownership
  • personal connection
  • reliability
  • credibility
  • digital divide
  • accessibility issues
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