The chart below shows how frequently people in the USA ate at fast-food shops between 2003 and 2013. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below shows how frequently people in the USA ate at fast-food shops between 2003 and 2013.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The provided bar chart gives information on the frequency of eating at fast
among citizens of the USA in three different periods of time, namely 2003,2006 and 2013. The units are measured in percentages of individuals.
, it can be clearly seen that the inhabitant’s preferences about the frequency of consuming unhealthy nourishment vary over different years.
, a multitude of citizens visit
with junk
once a week or twice a month. Approximately 4% of those people who eat out in fast
consumed it every day in all years respectively . In 2006, the number of inhabitants who ate out once a week comprised nearly 33%,
nearly 13% consumed it only a few times a year on special occasions. Turning to the 2013 year, it is evident that a little more than 15% of individuals ate several times a week,
15% of inhabitants ate out at fast
a few times a year. When it comes to those people, who adhere to a healthy and well-balanced diet and avoid visiting fast
in 2003 they comprised 5%, after three years it declined to nearly 4% and remained stable in 2013.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Replace the words food, restaurants with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "information" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: The word "nearly" was used 3 times.
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