Many people work long hours, leaving very little time for leisure activities. Does this situation have more advantages or more disadvantages? Give reason for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.

tend to
more intensively, putting their health and amusement aside, thinking
is the best way to become more productive, and qualified.
might be accepted by many
, but for me, it is a huge misconception. In my opinion, dedicating
to rest is more crucial than working itself and I will explain why
as well as
talk about the benefits of having rest.
To begin
with, not having the sufficient relaxation that
need to recharge their energy, leads to considerable damage to human health. Since long
hours sitting in front of a computer's screen, hearing orders all the
, having the pressure of finishing the required tasks within the deadline, and the worst thing ever is having conflicts with other co-workers which may cause troubles in
progress, resulting in more stress.
For example
, research held by specialists shows that affording employees more spare
to practice a hobby they like or get to exercise more, helps them to manage stress more effectively, and gain more power to accomplish twice their usual
, individuals should invest more appropriate
in leisure activities to entertain themselves alongside
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them by gaining experiences in different areas. So, they may improve skills that can be useful in their occupation's field, or even better, skills that they learn to help commence their own business.
, recreational activities allow workers to balance
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their personal and professional lives, giving them more opportunities to spend more
beside their families and loved ones.
For instance
, if
balance employment and household
, they will be more delighted and hard-working because of the ease
as well as
the positivity they will get from their children. Another reason is if they see the returns of their job on having the ability to provide for their house's needs, they will put more effort into it as a sense of gratefulness.
To sum up
, ensuring enough
to rest and gather strength can have substantial effects on both professional and personal, and any company should consider offering more free
to their employees because workers' happiness and comfort are what develop the company's accomplishments.
Submitted by salmanasrnasr on

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