The diagram demonstrates the stages of producing electrical sources by using just one kind of coal.
, Linking Words
it is clear that
it requires 8 different steps to produce electricity, from collecting the raw materials in coal mines and distributing the resulting products to homes and industries.
Linking Words
To begin
, we can notice that coal is first mined in coal mines in order to be crushed, and Linking Words
crushed coal is transported by trucks towards Linking Words
. At the next stage of the process of producing electricity, transported coal is transformed from solid to gas and other solid waste is discarded.
Correct article usage
a gasifier
, at the following step of the process, the gas material is cooled. Linking Words
the resulting material is gone through a gas power station, where other heat products are trashed. Linking Words
At the end
of Linking Words
process of manufacturing electrical sources, resulting electricity is allocated to different features Linking Words
as houses and other industries for various purposes.Linking Words