Some people think that too much money and time have been allocated to scientific research. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

In the epoch of globalisation,
are working hard to ameliorate our lives.
, they need to be funded to accomplish their target. A wide range of individuals assume that the money and time supplied for them are too much. I have a balanced opinion. In
essay, I will elaborate on the pros and cons. On the one hand,
play a critical role in our lives. Without them, we were unable to live in the pioneering era.
, they are working on many tasks
as the greenhouse and climate change. They are trying to find a solution to alleviate the use of Fuel and coals.
For instance
, Canadian
invented a way to utilize hydrogen gas. They found that it is a renewable and sustainable source of energy.
, they need much time to be sure that it does not have any side effects.
, the
government funded
Add a hyphen
show examples
them with billions of dollars.
On the other hand
, there are a lot of unwealthy countries. Their citizens prefer to spend
money on infrastructure, sanitation, healthcare and education.
In addition
, they believe that if the government is concerned more about these subjects, the people will be satisfied.
For example
, US citizens were complaining about the major funding for NASA. They are not aware of what they are gaining from these discoveries. They are convinced that it would be better to be used in the inferior health sector. In conclusion, there will be a debate on
, every government should be more concerned about their people's satisfaction. It should construct and improve all the facilities. After that, they can impose investment on the
Submitted by mohannadsme on

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task response
To enhance your task response, make sure to address both sides of the argument more deeply. Right now, there is some imbalance in the discussion.
task response
Try to provide more specific examples and data to strengthen your arguments. Real-world examples can make your essay more compelling.
coherence and cohesion
Your main points are supported, but the transitions between paragraphs could be smoother. Work on linking your ideas more cohesively.
coherence and cohesion
Your introduction is clear and your conclusion succinctly wraps up your arguments. Both sections are strong, so keep up with this clarity.
coherence and cohesion
Your essay has a clear structure with a good introduction and conclusion, which helps in guiding the reader smoothly through your arguments.
task response
You have successfully included some relevant examples which add credibility to your arguments, although more detailed examples would strengthen your position even further.
task response
Your essay touches on important aspects of the topic, and the ideas presented are generally clear and logical.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • allocated
  • advancements
  • innovative
  • initial costs
  • global challenges
  • resilience
  • sustainability
  • knowledge dissemination
  • opportunity cost
  • poverty alleviation
  • balancing funding priorities
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