MostChange preposition
show examples
cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, it is growing numerous
who are not
knownWrong verb form
show examples
their bordering
residentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
thenCorrect your spelling
show examples
feeling of community is lost.
ThereCorrect your spelling
show examples
two main factors are
the Correct article usage
show examples
lifestyle and busy
timeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. To overcome
areUnnecessary verb
show examples
, the first one is the government make
socialAdd an article
show examples
. The second is making
lotteryCorrect article usage
show examples
of Change preposition
show examples
lifestyle is popular in
bigAdd an article
show examples
cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can follow the trend,
so Correct word choice
show examples
if their nearby
residentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
notAdd a missing verb
show examples
theAdd a missing verb
show examples
life-styleCorrect your spelling
show examples
. So that they do not want to know.
, it can decrease the interaction with other
because they are not the same
frequentChange the word
show examples
with them.
materialistic Correct word choice
show examples
is one
casesChange to a singular noun
show examples
in metropolitan
cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
because they just
wantAdd the particle
show examples
be a friend if
the Remove the article
show examples
their fellow
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
TheCorrect your spelling
show examples
do not interact with their local
because of different social
statusFix the agreement mistake
show examples
Two main
solutionChange to a plural noun
show examples
tackleFix the infinitive
show examples
those problemChange the determiner
that problem
those problems
show examples
. The first one is the ministry must make
manyReplace the quantifier
show examples
for the society especially if their
modernAdd an article
show examples
, they can join the event if the
make the social event.
, it is
effectivelyChange the word
show examples
to make
interact with their local
residentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. The second factor, linked to the
makingCorrect article usage
show examples
of lottery
clubFix the agreement mistake
show examples
which is
trendingCorrect article usage
show examples
activity in the metropolitan
they are busy
for Change preposition
show examples
working and studying,
the Correct article usage
show examples
have time
gatherFix the infinitive
show examples
together where
the Correct article usage
show examples
.Add a missing verb
show examples
, it is the best way to overcome declined
knowWrong verb form
show examples
their nearby
dwellerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, some cause
knowFix the infinitive
show examples
each other in big
cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
because they have following lifestyle and most
haveVerb problem
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
activityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to solve the address, the authority make many social
organizationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
makingWrong verb form
show examples
clubFix the agreement mistake
show examples
where they
lifeReplace the word
show examples
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
is essential
toChange preposition
show examples
gather together.