8.People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the development of communication technology and transportation. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

due to
the improvement of communication technology and transportation, society has the liberty to work and live everywhere on the planet.
has led to an increase in economic output and flexibility,
as well as
diversity and culture exchange.
, there are both pros and cons in these circumstances. Negatively, it can impact social isolation, the local community and the environment. In my opinion, I believe that living and earning money overseas can lead to unique financial and life opportunities.
To begin
with, the major benefit of being overseas is wealth. People who can work and live overseas can get global opportunities, leading them to have better career prospects with a higher income.
, modern technology allows people to live and work in different places and can promote cultural exchange, which enriches personal and professional lives.
For example
, Japanese business techniques are being adopted by Western companies.
the advantages of
development outweigh the disadvantages, there are some negative impacts in these situations that should not be ignored. First of all, social isolation can lead to mental health problems
due to
living in a place far from their home country or an inability to cope with the foreign lifestyle.
, there is an impact on local communities and environments.
For instance
, an increase in people from other countries can contribute to the cost of living, making it hard for locals to afford housing and other necessities,
as well as
environmental degradation. In conclusion, there are many positive outcomes from improvements in technology and transportation,
there are some downsides.
, the economic and cultural exchange benefits appear to outweigh the drawbacks relating to health and the environment
Submitted by sunnyrogle22 on

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coherence and cohesion
Ensure each paragraph focuses on a single main idea and develops it fully to enhance clarity and coherence.
task achievement
While addressing advantages and disadvantages is well handled, adding more specific examples can further support your points and make the argument stronger.
coherence and cohesion
Your introduction clearly outlines the main points that will be discussed in the essay, setting a good stage for the reader.
coherence and cohesion
The conclusion effectively summarizes the essay and reinforces your overall argument, which is crucial for coherence.
task achievement
The essay presents a balanced view by acknowledging both the benefits and drawbacks of the given topic, which strengthens the task response.
task achievement
You provide a clear and logical argument with relevant ideas and concepts, which is important for scoring well in task achievement.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • communication technology
  • transportation
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • freedom
  • work and live
  • development
  • increased job opportunities
  • flexibility
  • work-life balance
  • cultural exposure
  • diversity
  • economic growth
  • globalization
  • social isolation
  • loneliness
  • loss of community
  • sense of belonging
  • expensive cost of living
  • housing
  • strain on infrastructure
  • resources
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