Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antartica.  What are the advantages and disadvantages for the tourists who visit such places?

Easy and fast access to tourism has enabled individuals to visit remote regions named the Antarctic and the Sahara desert. Even though they are hard to survive, many people nowadays travel to them more often than past.
it has facilitated humans to gain a unique experience, it has created adverse impacts on the environment and local
. The foremost positive outcome of travelling to remote areas is that it provides a chance for individuals to gain a unique experience first-hand, which would not have been
possible if the travel industry had not developed.
For example
, fast air travel and making bookings to
places in advance have aided travellers to gain information and confidence beforehand.
, many visitors now share their experiences and precautions online which come in handy for others.
For instance
, when one of my friends visited the Sahara desert, he researched it online and
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plenty of data that helped him have a good stay.
On the contrary
, it has impacted the environment and local
. More and more visitors visiting
isolated regions have increased the carbon footprint which has now become an issue of concern among environmentalists and scientists. To illustrate, the ice over glaciers has started melting because of global warming.
As a result
, local
like polar bears are unable to survive in warmer temperatures. In conclusion, it is evident that tourism has reached every corner of the world. It has helped people to visit remote areas in a convenient way.
, it has influenced the environment and local
in a negative way.
, I believe that
tendency has its pros and cons, and tourists should carefully consider
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or with harsh conditions.
Submitted by minhlieu.hnd on

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task achievement
Your essay addresses both the advantages and disadvantages of visiting remote areas well, but you could improve by providing more detailed explanations and additional examples in support of your main points.
coherence cohesion
Ensure logical progression between sentences and paragraphs. Smooth transitions and using more linking phrases will help to enhance the coherence and cohesion of your essay.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are clearly present and effectively summarize the main points of your essay, which helps to provide a well-rounded response to the prompt.
task achievement
The essay features relevant and specific examples, such as the experience of your friend in the Sahara desert, which help illustrate your points effectively.
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