Some say that the standard of behaviour among children has worsened and that this is their parents' fault; others say that schools are to blame. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some individuals think
has been worse standardized and
they believe that
is caused by parents' mistakes.
On the other hand
, some argue
relates to the school
. In my opinion, the worse standard of a child's
may be influenced by both main factors,namely household and educational
which are described with some relevant examples based on my experience.
According to
family background, some believe that worse standardized
might be caused by their families. In my opinion,I agree that the relevant background of the household plays a crucial part in
's actions.
For example
, in terms of dining etiquette, the
usually have dinner with their families so they normally observe how their parents behave during that period of dining time, and they might imitate what their guardians usually do
as eating loudly,which is a negative manner.
,the inappropriate practice might be copied
as well as
impacting negatively on the long-term standard of
In contrast
, some argue that those performances might be affected by the educational
. I personally think the schools
take an important part in those actions like families as mentioned previously. The kids might be directly influenced by friends,environment and schooling methods.
For instance
, not focusing on teaching students to respect older people might be a worse part of the action because they do not actually know how to respect each other properly with great etiquette.
, the younger usually respect the older by respectfully greeting them with their hands with regard to Thailand's manner,which all the youths have learned since studying at primary school.
To conclude
, the lower standard of
's performance might be influenced by both the family background and the schooling
. Personally, the two generally take an essential role in their lives.
, these consequences might be appropriately controlled by their family members and being in a good society of schooling.
Submitted by phanphetpor on

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