You have just missed a friend’s party. Write a letter to apologise. In your letter: apologise to your friend explain why you did not attend the party say what you plan to do to make up for missing the party.

Dear Bellatrix, I am writing
Change preposition
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my absence
Change preposition
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your party which truly sorry for missing
weekend, but I have planned good things for next weekend if you
Verb problem
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not have a program.
In addition
, I hope it was
Add an article
a joyful
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and unforgettable occasion for you. I felt unpleasant not being on your side. Unfortunately, I had to attend my cousin’s wedding which
Add a missing verb
was scheduled
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at the same time. She is my uncle’s daughter, and my absence would have been deeply unpleased
Change preposition
to my
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uncle. The day had packed me all day, starting in
Add an article
the morning
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, and I was in throughout, helping the bride at the hairdresser and even during
Correct article usage
the photoshoot
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Correct your spelling
photo shoot
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before the ceremony at 8 p.m.
, the past is the past, to make up for my absence, I would love to invite you to the Scorpions concert next Saturday night.
, I know, how much you enjoy their music. I will get the tickets if you accept my apology. Please let me know. Take care Yours lovingly Misty
Submitted by jigglypuff on

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coherence cohesion
Try to avoid repetition of words. For instance, instead of using 'absence' multiple times, substitute with synonyms or rephrase to maintain reader interest.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph develops a single idea fully for better readability. The transition between discussing the reason for the absence and the plan to make up for it can be smoother.
task achievement
The letter addresses all bullet points successfully: apologizing, explaining the reason for absence, and proposing a plan to make up for it.
task achievement
The tone is appropriately apologetic and friendly, making it suitable for a personal letter to a friend.
coherence cohesion
The letter has a clear greeting and closing, which enhances the organization and readability.
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