The charts below give information on the location and types of dance classes young people in a town in Australia are currently attending

The charts below give information on the location and types of dance classes young people in a town in Australia are currently attending
The pie and bar charts illustrate data regarding the four practising places and the three kinds of dance sessions that the younger generation in Australia are nowadays joining.
, it can be seen that private studios score as the most desired and constitute the location which appeals to almost half of the attendees.
, ballet is by far the most favourite for adolescents under 11
for those between 11-16 modern dance is the most popular.
, school spaces and community halls
in addition
to the other communal buildings, comprise the preferred location for 24% and 18% of dancers in Australia these days to practice their hobby after school or in their leisure time.
, privately owned studios are number one and account for the practising location for roughly half of the dance enthusiasts
university-owned areas attract only 10% of them, being the least appealing.
, adolescents under 11 years prefer ballet, tap and modern styles in sequence from the most to the least favourite by recording 600, about 450 and 300 attendees respectively.
, juveniles between 11-16 recorded a reverse trajectory for the three aforementioned dances and registered 300, about 420 and around 520 respectively from the least popular to the most.
Submitted by sajjad.talebi2020 on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: The word "about" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • distribution
  • attendance
  • community centers
  • dance schools
  • private studios
  • ballet
  • hip-hop
  • contemporary
  • ballroom
  • analysis
  • popularity
  • accessibility
  • cost
  • cultural trends
  • media influences
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