Some people say that the only reason for learning a foregin language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country . Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

world are learning other
their mother tongue. Some citizens believe the aim of studying a foreign language is only for working and travelling in a foreign country,
others these are not the only cause. I think there are many reasons why
are learning new
essay will explore both points of view and summarize the conclusion. On the one hand, many benefits that
receive by learning another language.
For example
, a citizen from Indonesia wants to understand Japanese culture, before starting to explore the culture they will learn about Japanese first to ensure the meaning of every story.
, they can interact with
from Japan to gain deeper knowledge about the culture.
, justifying the cause of why
study foreign
really disturbs
overcome their limits.
On the other hand
, some citizen limits their knowledge about studying
for working or travelling. Most of them have opinions like that because it is the bare minimum of
who want to visit or apply for jobs in other countries.
For instance
, in Australia, if someone wants to apply for a work holiday visa, they should have an IELTS result before applying.
is one of evidence why there are limitations on why
learn English, but actually, certifications like IELTS can be used for
another occasion
Fix the agreement mistake
other occasions
show examples
do not judge their perspective on the first attempt, maybe there are other backgrounds why
go into other
. In conclusion, both of those perspectives are true, but I undoubtedly consider that
have enormous motives they acquiring other
. Limitations only lock our potential for seizing opportunities out there.
Submitted by ru.kabiru.biru on

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coherence cohesion
Try to ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and that the progression of ideas is logical and easy to follow. For example, explicitly stating the topic of each point at the beginning of the paragraphs might help.
coherence cohesion
It can be helpful to ensure that your conclusion summarizes the main points made in the body and directly refers to the ideas discussed, reinforcing your viewpoint clearly.
task achievement
To fully achieve the task, try to provide more specific personal examples or evidence that strengthens your argument, making it more relatable and comprehensive.
task achievement
Be sure to explore both views in equal depth and detail, ensuring a balanced discussion before presenting your opinion.
task achievement
The essay presents both perspectives, which shows an understanding of the task requirements.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are present, providing a clear structure.
task achievement
There is a good effort to give specific examples to support your points.
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