Children have more and more tests and exams to do at school, sometime starting until the age of five or six, right up until the age of eighteen. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making childern do exams?

have been an important part of the school system for centuries. The students have to deal with tests and
from an early age school till the end of high school. In
essay, I will discuss why
are important for a student to achieve goals in their life, but why they can eventually be mentally disadvantageous. The main benefit of taking
or tests is to help in facing challenges.
not only helps in mind development but
helps to face life problems which they have to deal with later in their lives and solve them on their own.
For example
, Each exam has a different level of difficulty and without knowing what we have to deal with, and to be prepared for every possible scenario in the examination. Clearly dealing with difficulties is the key advantage of examination.
On the other hand
test their abilities which can be a reason to mentally pressurise them which sometimes leads to suicide. Giving tests and getting low scores
according to
their low performance sometimes become humiliating because of listening to taunts from society including from their parents, which is very stressful. Many kids can't bear
and go into depression. In India, each year there are many cases of suicides where students
Wrong verb form
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handle their depression and it is easy for them to end their life.
To conclude
, the examination is a great way of developing a child's mind for problems in
, it needs a little improvement to overcome the pressure. Education institutes should make sure if someone fails the test they should not be criticised,
, they should be motivated to perform well next time.
Submitted by MK on

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task achievement
Expand on your examples and explanations to make your points clearer and more compelling. For instance, detail more specific instances or research to back your claims about the consequences of exams on mental health.
coherence cohesion
Enhance the transitions between your paragraphs and ideas to make your essay flow more smoothly. For example, link the discussion of benefits directly to your following points on disadvantages to maintain a seamless argument.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively bookend your essay and provide a coherent framework for your arguments.
task achievement
Your essay addresses both the advantages and disadvantages of making children take exams, providing a balanced perspective.
coherence cohesion
The main points in your essay are logical and well-structured, showing a good level of organization.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • assessment
  • systematic
  • evaluate
  • mastery
  • subject matter
  • preparation
  • academic
  • professional
  • frequent
  • disipline
  • time management
  • learning gaps
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • mental health
  • memorization
  • creativity
  • socio-economic
  • disparities
  • disadvantaged
  • resources
  • inequality
  • intrinsic motivation
  • joyful pursuit
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