Many people are choosing to live on their own. Is this a positive or a negative trend?What is your opinion and share your personal experiences? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

it seems that humans are social creatures, these days many individuals prefer to live alone. I support
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since it not only could lead to more self-confidence in people, but it could
provide them more privacy and flexibility. To commence with, loneliness could strengthen the sense of independence and self-reliance.
In other words
, when an individual has to do all of his tasks by himself and does not count on supporting other persons,
, his personality will grow and their abilities will
be developed
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, alone people could have financial
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and spend on their favorite tasks or skills.
For instance
, my
sister in law
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started her individual life after her divorce.
, at first it was challenging and risky for her, after some
loneliness made her a self-sufficient and independent individual.
In addition
, individuals who are living on their own, have more control
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their time schedule, since nobody interferes in their lives.
, they can spend their free time on their favourite tasks and do some activities to foster their personalities.
For example
, one of my friends, who chose to be single, is a famous author and has written more than 10 novels. Sometimes she invites others in their flat to socialize and overcome her loneliness. In a nutshell, maybe living alone would not be the first choice for a crowd , but
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it is not the worst choice, since they can enjoy their privacy and
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to learn new skills and techniques and embrace new challenges and opportunities.
Submitted by zohmoz93 on

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Make sure to proofread your work for minor grammatical errors, such as 'alone people' which should be 'people who live alone.'
To enhance the clarity, make sure each paragraph clearly addresses a single main idea. Although the paragraphs in this essay are generally clear, refining the topic sentences can help structure the argument even better.
While your arguments are good and supported by personal examples, try to expand on these examples and link them more closely to the main points, making them even more compelling.
You have effectively supported your arguments with personal anecdotes and examples, which make the essay engaging and relatable.
Your introduction and conclusion are well-structured, clearly presenting your stance and summarizing your main points effectively.
The essay is generally cohesive and logically structured, making it easy to follow your line of reasoning.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • self-reliance
  • personal growth
  • privacy
  • personal space
  • financial burden
  • cost-sharing
  • loneliness
  • isolation
  • flexibility
  • freedom
  • safety risks
  • elderly individuals
  • health issues
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