Many people around the world use social media everyday to keep in touch with other people and get news events. Do you think the advantanges outweigh the disadvamtages?

In the present climate, social
has gained popularity among individuals.
can bring about some merits, I believe that the potential drawbacks
as physical and mental ailments overshadow the benefits. One of the main setbacks of social
can be seen in the physical issues. It means that prolonged exposure to the screen can lead to some diseases
as eye strain, and obesity.
For instance
, the result of conducted research illustrates that the ratio of overweight teenagers in advanced societies is higher than in under-developed ones which can be
Verb problem
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to overreliance on the virtual world associated with sedentary lifestyles and
gaining weight. If not controlled,
issue can lead to a disaster. Another potential downside of the mentioned trend can be its tremendous impact on one's mental health. dependency on the online world is highly likely to prone the consumers to various psychological challenges ranging from insomnia to depression. The rate of suicide among students in developed societies can be taken as an example. Surveys elaborate that
issue stems from the growing rate of depression and isolation linked to eliminated physical interactions and enhanced virtual ones.
On the other hand
, there are some virtues to online
. The main merit is that it can accelerate task-accomplishment and they are more updated. Nowadays, people can use online
for various tasks; online banking, and easier communications to name but a few.
, the data is updated more regularly so users can investigate the latest news via these
For instance
, they can follow the Olympic games and their news more effectively compared to traditional news resources.
, it is much faster. In conclusion, there exist some merits linked to social
as time-saving and accessibility,
, the handicaps outshine these privileges.
Submitted by samirakasraee72 on

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task achievement
While the essay provides a comprehensive response to the task, it would benefit from more elaborate examples to fully support the main points. Try to add specific details or case studies where applicable.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of the essay is good; however, make sure each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. Use linking words like 'furthermore,' 'moreover,' and 'however' to create a seamless flow of ideas.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are well-presented, clearly stating the writer's viewpoint and summarizing the key arguments effectively.
task achievement
The essay answers the task question comprehensively, addressing both the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
task achievement
The key arguments are clear and comprehensive, making it easy for the reader to understand the writer's perspective.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • to connect with friends and family
  • to preserve bonds
  • real-time updates
  • a wide range of perspectives
  • global happenings
  • business opportunities
  • networking opportunities
  • mental health issues
  • unrealistic portrayals of life
  • privacy breaches
  • identity theft
  • addiction
  • time management
  • productivity
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