An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What can be done to deal with this situation?

Over the
few years, more and more specialists, like doctors and educators, have been relocating from their poor
to developed
to get better work.
essay will discuss the main problems of brain drain,
as a
's increasing poverty and lack of talent development and propose solutions including investing in small businesses and offering benefits to skilled workers.
To begin
with, one main problem that can arise is that
might not experience
economic development and become poorer.
In other words
, as professionals do not work for the
and do not make contributions with innovations, the
may stagnate. At the same time, the second problem could be that the younger will not get proper education because there will not be qualified teachers.
For instance
, a recent study showed that the outflow of
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doctors from
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India caused problems with
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medical services and the health of citizens worsened.
, in the example of African
the graduates do not get enough knowledge. Some possible solutions to these problems are allocating funds for the development of the business sector and supporting talented people with rewards. If the government supported small businesses through tax reduction, it would create jobs,
, it would enhance the economy.
, the motivation of the residents to work will increase.
, until the state provides support
as career opportunities and high salaries, there will be
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loss of competent educators who can bring up talented students. In some
, teaching is a well-paid and respected profession, which effectively encourages people to stay rather than move abroad. In conclusion, the reduction of specialists negatively impacts the
from which they emigrate.
, the government can stop it by creating opportunities for talented people and mitigate the effect by investing in enterprises.
Submitted by nurtoleu.nursulu on

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task achievement
Your essay effectively addresses the topic and covers both problems and solutions related to the issue. However, providing more specific examples or statistics could further strengthen your argument, particularly in relation to the economic impact and educational challenges.
coherence cohesion
While your essay has a logical structure and flows coherently, you may want to work on improving transitions between points to enhance readability. Employing more varied connectors and cohesive devices could benefit your writing.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction is concise and clearly outlines what the essay will discuss, which sets a clear direction for the reader.
supported main points
Your main points are clear and well-supported with relevant explanations, making your arguments persuasive.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Brain drain
  • Skilled professionals
  • Healthcare systems
  • Education systems
  • Economic growth
  • Dependency on foreign aid
  • Social inequality
  • Quality healthcare
  • Quality education
  • Retain talent
  • International cooperation
  • Sustainable growth
  • Scholarships
  • Professional development
  • Remote work capabilities
  • Local research funding
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