You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019.
In the first chart, it can be seen the percentage of households with electrical appliances
as washing machines, refrigerators, and
According to
the chart, in 1920, almost no one had a refrigerator in their house.
, through the years, it can be said that the number of people who had refrigerators had increased and, in 1980, 100% of individuals had a fridge.
, only 30% of the population had a
cleaner in 1920,
%40 of them had a washing machine. Both the
cleaner and the washing machine users were %70 in 1960.
, the ratio of
Correct article usage
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washing machine users remained the same,
the whole population had the
cleaner in 2000.
On the other hand
, the second graph shows the number of hours of housework per week between the years 1920 and 2019.
It is clear that
spending time on housework is decreasing year by year. Even if people spent 50 hours per week
Change preposition
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housework in 1920, they only wasted 10 hours per week in 2019. In conclusion, it can be said that new technological development can make people save time because if the number of electrical devices increases, the time
of spending
Wrong verb form
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to clean will decrease.
Submitted by bloodylady on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "however, while".
Introduction: The introduction is missing.
Introduction: Change the first sentence in the introduction.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Vocabulary: Replace the words vacuum with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "chart" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "number of" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "increased" was used 2 times.
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