Nowadays, in the 21st
we live in an age and decade when preferences and consciousness
levelFix the agreement mistake
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of individuals in terms of nourishment face significant changes.
, a multitude of individuals
shiftWrong verb form
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from their traditional eating patterns that included meat and animal
vegetarianAdd an article
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tendency has versatile circumstances and personally, I sincerely believe that it leads to beneficial
ramificationFix the agreement mistake
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for society and nature at all.
productsCorrect article usage
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that we consume have an overwhelming influence on us and impact on
theChange the word
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multifaceted detrimental ramifications
fromChange preposition
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diet that include animal
, people shift to organic and natural
, which include fruits, vegetables and plants, with noticeable improvements
ofChange preposition
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vitamins and all mouth-watering supplements. To cite an example, afterwards of changing
typeAdd an article
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of nourishment
conditionFix the agreement mistake
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can face considerable changes, like overcoming obesity, chronic diseases connected with
cardiovascularAdd an article
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, society members think about the condition of animals and their feelings, how they struggle because of
utilizationCorrect pronoun usage
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byChange preposition
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usCorrect pronoun usage
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regardsFix the agreement mistake
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to the consequences of
contemporary tendency, it is evident that
if Correct word choice
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the vast majority of individuals will have overwhelming and noticeable improvements
onChange preposition
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theChange the word
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physical appearance
ofChange preposition
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themCorrect pronoun usage
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skinAdd an article
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will be shiny,
clearCorrect word choice
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, without any abnormalities and pimples.
Correct article usage
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metalCorrect your spelling
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and psychological condition of conscious human beings will face
hugeAdd an article
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variety of changes. Plant-based diet owners
tend to have high self-esteem, self-control and resilience, which contribute positively to mental
anti-inflammatory effects, plant-based food will improve mood and reduce the possibility of depression and anxiety.
, avoiding dishes that contain
connected with animals
leadCorrect subject-verb agreement
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to beneficial ramifications.