Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

According to
a recent study, an individual’s born nature outweighs external
and personal growth. From my perspective, even though genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in developmental results, distinguished
events we encounter later serve as decisive factors.
essay will address the reasons behind it with examples to support it.
To begin
with, the outside environment hugely impacts human brain
in the early stage. Experience during these periods will define people’s cognitive abilities, including logical thinking and social skills.
For instance
, scientific studies suggested that neglected youngsters who didn’t receive abundant affection and company from their parents or caregivers are more likely to suffer from insecurities, anxieties and depression when they grow up. What’s worse, some will develop borderline
as a sense of emptiness, abandonment issues, and severe mood swings that are detrimental to their social
and reasonable thinking.
, they won’t be able to see the essence through appearance when tackling issues, losing confidence in themselves.
, the significance of adaptability in human civilizations highlights the efficiency of outside learning. Individuals who navigate significant adversities often emerge with enhanced resilience and distinct perspectives, indicating that challenging
can promote growth and the
of positive
For example
, if one’s
and mentality can’t fit in today’s society, adjustments are required.
individual will be subjected to isolation, mental issues, and other negative
. Since
trajectories are ever-changing, only keeping up with them could make people thrive and evolve.
suggests that the change of born personal traits is a sure path
due to
the influence of the external environment. In conclusion,
genetic predispositions provide a foundational framework for
, the
encountered throughout one's
exert a more profound and transformative effect. Early childhood experience can define an individual’s
and brain function in the later period,
as well as
the adaptability cultivated through the natural course of
, showing that external environments are the predominant factor in shaping our
traits and developmental directions.
Submitted by d22093870 on

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task achievement
Consider elaborating on how specific genetic traits may influence personality to balance your argument. Although the essay leans more towards the influence of experiences, mentioning genetics in slightly more detail would provide a more comprehensive view and show a balanced discussion.
coherence cohesion
While the main points are clear and well-organized, linking words or phrases that guide the reader through your argument can make your essay more cohesive. For instance, phrases like 'on the other hand', 'in addition', or 'furthermore' when introducing new points or counterpoints.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction clearly outlines your perspective and sets the stage beautifully for the arguments that follow. This clarity and focus give a strong impression of your essay’s direction from the outset.
supported main points
Examples provided are relevant and well-integrated into the body of the essay. Particularly, the example about neglected children developing psychological issues stands out as it directly ties to your main argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • nature vs. nurture debate
  • genetic inheritance
  • personality traits
  • behavior patterns
  • heritability
  • twins studies
  • malleable characteristics
  • upbringing
  • environmental influences
  • critical periods
  • language acquisition
  • worldview
  • innate traits
  • personal experiences
  • psychological development
  • epigenetics
  • adaptive behaviors
  • cultural imprinting
  • temperament
  • social conditioning
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