People should be allowed to continue to work as long as the want to, and not be forced to retire at a particular age such as 60 or 65. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experiences.

In many countries, people are forced to retire after their 60s by the government. Some human beings think that they should be permitted to stay working whenever they want to stop. I totally disagree with
opinion, because they will be tired both physically and mentally, when they are older.
, young generations should have the opportunity to have an occupation.
, older people are getting exhausted more easily than younger ones
due to
their biological conditions.
For example
, senior citizens have less energy than younger citizens .
, even if the older workers have more experience, they are slower to do their tasks.
tiredness is not only physical but
mental. Even if elders feel they have some energy to continue working, most of them have some memory problems
as a result
of their brain functions decreasing.
For example
, lots of diseases causing memory loss,
as Alzheimer's, occur in later ages.
On the other hand
, if people stay working after their 60s, the young generation can not have a chance to be employed because the working population is saturated.
, it can cause junior men and women to have depression.
For example
, if humans can not have a job after graduation, they have to live with their parents because they can not afford the rent of a new flat.
, they will be depressed and they will not be able to find their own way because they don't have any independence. In conclusion, I think individuals should be forced to retire after a certain age because they can't work properly when they don't have enough biological conditions
due to
the ageing process.
, new generations should be given a chance to become independent individuals.
Submitted by bloodylady on

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