People in the current generations are not fit and active. What are the problems. What can be done to encourage people to participate in sports activities.

modern era, young
are not physically fit and active to do various tasks.
essay will explain
as excessive use of technology and laziness.
Along with
some solutions to take part in different
To begin
with, nowadays the majority of the youth want to spend their valuable time on gadgets. To explain, teenagers are connected with their friends using social media and spending hours chatting with them,
due to
that they are not giving equal importance to fitness and eventually they are not capable of doing even day-to-day tasks.
For Instance
, a study published by The University of Florida indicates that 77% of high school and university students are not physically fit and active enough to solve small
in their lives. To mitigate it, governments or schools should organize training and fitness camps and they should give certificates after successfully completing the course. Another problem caused by
issue, Is that
are very lazy and do not want to do their study of work. To elaborate, adolescent are very lazy towards their study
as well as
for their daily task.
, they like to spend time sleeping and eating junk food which can be very harmful to them in the future.
For example
, the Indian government issued one publication and that data shows 58% of Indian students below 20 years of age are lazy and do not want to do their day-to-day tasks. To cope with
, parents need to push their children to participate in various
activities by providing the necessary equipment and tools.
To conclude
, using technological gadgets for longer periods of time and laziness in
are major
. To solve
to take part in
competitions by giving them certificates after completing
as well as
providing required accessories to them.People in the current
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are not fit and active. What are the
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What can be done to encourage people to participate in
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Submitted by birenp046 on

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task response
The essay addresses the topic well, explaining the problems related to lack of fitness in the current generation and suggesting solutions. However, to improve, it can benefit from more specific and varied examples. Broadening the scope of solutions beyond just government and parental involvement could also strengthen the response.
coherence and cohesion
While the structure of the essay is mostly clear, the flow can be enhanced by improving transitions between ideas and ensuring each paragraph focuses on a single main point. For instance, avoid repetitive phrases and ensure a natural progression of ideas from one sentence to the next.
coherence and cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion that succinctly summarize the main points, which helps in achieving clarity and a sense of completeness.
task response
The essay uses relevant examples to support its points, which strengthens the arguments made and demonstrates an understanding of the topic.
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