Some people believe that academic knowledge is the key to success, while others think that practical skills are more important. Do you agree or disagree?

In today’s competitive world, many people argue that
depends primarily on academic knowledge,
others believe that practical
hold more significance. I firmly believe that adaptable
are far more important, as they enable individuals to solve complex problems and adapt to real-world challenges efficiently.
To begin
with, practical
as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are critical in professions.
formal education provides a great foundation, these hands-on
allow individuals to perform effectively in their careers.
For example
, a project manager may need theoretical knowledge about management techniques, but without strong communication
and the ability to work collaboratively with teams, the project is unlikely to succeed.
In contrast
, professionals who excel in real-world abilities can navigate workplace challenges with ease, ensuring long-term
, hands-on
ensure that individuals can respond flexibly and develop innovative solutions to problems. In many industries like technology and business, keeping pace with changes should be adopted by employees.
For instance
, an entrepreneur needs to quickly adapt to market trends and consumer preferences, which requires creativity and critical thinking –
that are not always taught in traditional academic settings.
, real-world abilities enable professionals to stay relevant in fast-changing industries.
To conclude
earning a certain degree in educational institutions is of course valuable, adaptable
are far more essential for
in life. The ability to communicate effectively, solve problems, and adapt to changing circumstances is crucial in nearly every profession.
, a focus on developing practical abilities is a key to achieving
in today’s dynamic job market.
Submitted by mohamadazhariazar on

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coherence cohesion
Your essay is very well-structured, but you can enhance it further by ensuring that each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next. This will help the reader follow your argument more easily.
task achievement
While your examples are relevant, consider expanding on them slightly to provide more in-depth support for your points.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction clearly states your position and outlines the main points you will discuss. This sets a clear direction for your essay.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion succinctly summarizes your argument and reinforces your main points, providing a strong ending to your essay.
supported main points
You successfully supported your main points with relevant examples, making your argument more compelling.
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