Details of politicians’ private lives should not be published in newspapers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is being argued that details of politicians' private lives should be published in the press as newspapers and magazines. In my opinion, I strenuously disagree with
idea, because I think that in our society we should keep privacy and respect
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each other’s lifestyles as a well-mannered human.
, there are a majority of people who do not want to show their own
Fix the agreement mistake
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to other people because of their securing rights and freedoms.
, most of these people try to keep
Add an article
a balance
the balance
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between being political in their job and being
Correct article usage
a father
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or mother in their house.
For example
, Paul Ryan gave an interview in the Geopolitics of Business Newsletter and said that you can be in the same position as
Correct article usage
an employee
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and breadwinner in your family, and without having any problems.
, there are a number of reasons why we can not perform our way of life
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because it can be used during the investigation of scams or suffer cruel
Fix the agreement mistake
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, newspapers or magazines can not give certainty.
For example
, we have a lot of countries which are found with cruel persecution and there are dangerous nations like North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Eritrea, and Yemen that have the highest rates of reported persecution from the Worldwide Security Department. In conclusion,
there are a few benefits of reporting politicians’ private information, I do not agree that
should be published by the media to some extent.
can protect the government’s employees
to live
Verb problem
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and make sure that they are safe and sound
Correct word choice
and more
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Submitted by akzharkynzhamal on

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task achievement
You have provided a clear position on the topic and maintained it throughout the essay. However, the examples used could be more relevant and specific to strengthen your arguments. Try to choose examples that directly relate to the points you make.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is generally clear, but there needs to be a stronger connection between some of your points. Make sure each paragraph flows naturally into the next, possibly by using more transitional phrases and connecting sentences.
coherence cohesion
There are a few grammatical and vocabulary errors which affect the clarity and readability of your essay. It can be helpful to proofread your work or use tools to check for errors. Additionally, varying your sentence structure can make your writing more engaging.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps present your argument in a structured manner.
task achievement
You have shown the ability to develop your arguments with supporting details, even if the examples could be more relevant.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • intrusion
  • accountability
  • transparency
  • sensationalism
  • privacy
  • public interest
  • collateral damage
  • precedent
  • responsible journalism
  • exploitation
  • democratic processes
  • media culture
  • balance
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