Natural honey production is a linear process that comprises seven main stages
according to
the diagram given.
At the initial stage, honeybees construct colonial nests consisting of recognizable hexagonal-shaped cells made of wax, which will serve as Linking Words
for honey in the end. Afterwards, the insects fly in search of proper blossoms, which are the source of nectar to consume and pollen to collect. Fix the agreement mistake
the bees carry the pollen sphere-shaped on their rear legs back to the hive. As soon as delivered, those ‘flower-by’ products are distributed equally between the cells.
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processing includes water evaporation. To tackle the issue, the insects start to flap their wings vigorously, Linking Words
creating intensive air flows which facilitate the cooling down and the extraction of excess water.
The moment the proper amount of water is removed, the surplus of honey is ready to be harvested, be it edible wax hives or bottled.Linking Words