Many students choose to study at colleges and universities that are far away from the places where they grew up. Do the benefits of this outweigh the drawbacks?

Nowadays it is common for young
to travel to far-flung places to study.
essay will argue that despite the fact that it often leads to financial difficulties, it is far more advantageous to study in places that are far away from one’s parents because it leads to independence. Young
frequently face financial problems if they decide to enrol in a degree course in a distant town.
is because it is no longer possible for them to live in their
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house, and they
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, therefore,
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have to pay for their own accommodation
as well as
utilities and food.
For example
, in
country, it is common for young
situation to take on part-time jobs so that they can pay their expenses
at university. I believe that
shows that it is possible to survive financially in
situation and that
is not a significant drawback. The great advantage of studying in a far-off place is that it allows young
to experience what it is like to be independent of their families. Leaving the family
allows them to choose whatever lifestyle they want and not be under the influence of their elders.
For instance
, at universities in the UK, it is noticeable that students who are no longer living in their parents’ houses mature more quickly than those who are still living at
, and
is clearly because they cannot depend on their parents and must
embrace their newfound independence.
, I would argue that the benefits of studying away from
are more significant than the drawbacks. In conclusion, travelling to a distant place to study might be financially challenging for those who have just left their childhood
, but the advantages of being independent far outweigh that drawback.
Submitted by majumdarnilesh21 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural sensitivity
  • personal growth
  • adaptability
  • independence
  • self-reliance
  • specialized programs
  • networking
  • career opportunities
  • homesickness
  • cultural shock
  • financial strain
  • accommodation
  • cost of living
  • family relationships
  • emotional challenges
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