Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest time of most people’s lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, inspite of greater responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Whilst many argue that teenage years are more fun than adulthood, many think that being a grownup brings them more joy. I believe that being a
is the best phase of a person's life. On the one hand, being a
means an era filled with milestones and adventures with friends. Many middle-aged people are found depressed or bored
due to
the lack of
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and novelty.
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often found outside happy playing with friends and exploring new things.
For instance
, when entering a school, it is mostly found that kids are the ones having fun and enjoying their time the most
the adults are working.
is why I believe it's fair to say that teenage years are the happiest times.
On the other hand
, teenagers have fewer responsibilities and are less independent of themselves. Most teenagers have their parents or legal guardians spend on them and take care of them. But in terms of adults, they have to be independent and responsible for themselves.
For example
, because my brother grew older and graduated from university, he moved out and got a job in order to be more responsible for himself.
being a
has more advantages when it comes to having fewer responsibilities. In conclusion,
being an adult has
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I believe that the disadvantages
over come
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it. being a
is indeed the best era in a person's life owing to the fewer responsibilities and more adventures made throughout the journey.
Submitted by linamazenaytah on

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While your response addresses the topic and covers both perspectives, it could be more thorough in balancing the discussion of both views. Try to provide more in-depth analysis and examples for each viewpoint to demonstrate a complete understanding of the topic.
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