Some people believe movie reviews are useful. Others argue the reviews may spoil the audience’s mindset before watching the movie. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

say, the commentator's
can influence audiences’ points of view and likely distract their ideas, I firmly believe
are quite helpful and can have positive effects on the real
fans as the other group argues. In recent times, there is a fact that the rate of film production has been too high. Meanwhile,
are busy with different things
as job and family issues.
, a
review gives
an idea of what can be expected from a film before they spend their time and money on it.
In addition
, it helps them decide whether to see the
in the cinema accompanying the family, wait for it to come out on DVD, or skip it altogether.
On the other hand
, some
strongly believe that
may influence audiences’ before they observe the whole
, and in
way, the observers’ mentalities might be misguided.
, some items
as special features in filmmaking techniques cannot be described in
a critic’s comments, summary, or brief, and a person merely as a review reader certainly loses the sense and all inspiring notions hidden in the film. Movies are complicated to make,
talking about them does not have to be straightforward. In conclusion, considering the existence of some professional critics whose comments can be reliable and trustworthy, supposedly a mild judgment is achievable and I strongly confirm it can be beneficial to save time and cost. The
can have some other advantages that will help
manage family delegations.
Submitted by majid.ebadi on

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task achievement
Expand on specific examples or evidence to support your points. For instance, mention particular instances where reviews helped you or someone you know decide on a movie.
task achievement
Work on improving the clarity around your main ideas. Make sure each paragraph has one clear main point that is supported by examples or explanations.
coherence cohesion
Ensure each paragraph flows logically to the next. Use linking words and phrases to guide the reader through your essay more smoothly.
coherence cohesion
You have a well-defined introduction and conclusion, which helps frame your discussion effectively.
task achievement
You address both sides of the argument, offering a balanced view which shows a good grasp of the prompt.
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