Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some countries, many small. local business are unable to compete. some people think that the closure of local business will bring death of the local communities. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the current era, some countries expand over economic aspects through supermarket development which creates a huge competition between them. Some
believe that local businesses have hidden through
, it probably tends to demolish local
. In the following essay, we will explore viewpoints, and I will support my perspective view. On the one hand, more and more areas boost malls and create competition.
, individuals argue that a lot of local coffee shops will be closed in the following years.
That is
causing several drawbacks for local
. In general, nations can not be attracted to
, many of them lost trust and thought that
were not going to buy from them.
For example
, especially in the past, my little brother had a tiny canteen that bought snacks and a variety of fruits which bring it from the garden. We can say
fruit is fresh. Alas,' a large company appeared on the same site which
tend to .
, my brother lost everything and did not have any trust. In fact,
would like to accumulate classic things and refuse to adjust.
For instance
, old men in my country keep old suq to buy principal needs like meat, fruits, silver and gold.
, the young
share in
place to obtain some communications. I remember, is an article published in AL Watan newspaper in 2015 which said " Local
in an essential project to develop the country and encourage small projects. In conclusion, I am convinced the country is expanding widely and desires development.
, the government should be strict in some projects with clear rules.
In addition
, the public creates appropriate to compete with other businesses.
Submitted by lailakhalil3 on

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