What are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to live or study abroad?

Nowadays, many young individuals want to live in foreign and more developed countries to continue their education or get a well-paid job.
essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of
approach. On one hand, living overseas offers individuals the opportunity to become more independent. They aren’t able to rely on their parents,
they will try harder to become successful and earn a great amount of salary.
For example
, my brother was a spoiled person so my parents sent him to study in another country.
, after a few years, he became the most independent person we have ever known in our family.
, living abroad is a great chance to discover new cultures and languages and if you are eager, you can develop your knowledge. Personally, I experienced
when I spent a year in France, and
as a result
, I have been speaking French fluently since
On the other hand
, moving to another country cannot be easy.
Due to
the fact that you may be homesick in the first months, you should deal with it. Living away from parents and close friends is usually considered a challenging aspect of life.
, when you are living on your own you have to pay for rent, food and other supplies which can be very difficult and tiresome at the beginning.
For example
, most overseas students have problems managing money and if they aren’t able to get a job as soon as possible, they will be broke defiantly.
, they always can use scholarships or student loans. In conclusion,
living overseas can be frustrating and you think that there is no place like home, after a
you get used to it and enjoy your independence.
Submitted by mahtaesmailian on

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coherence cohesion
Make sure your argument is cohesive and flows smoothly from one point to the next. Consider using transition words to link your ideas more effectively.
supported main points
Ensure each main point is adequately supported with relevant examples and explanations.
complete response
Aim to address the task more directly by discussing potential solutions or further implications related to the topic.
clear comprehensive ideas
Develop your ideas more comprehensively by providing deeper insights and elaborations.
introduction conclusion present
You have included a strong conclusion that summarizes the key points of the essay.
relevant specific examples
The examples provided, such as your brother's experience and your time in France, effectively illustrate your points.
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