in the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. the only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages? give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

The question of whether it is beneficial or unbeneficial if in the future all private
will be driverless
the people inside these cars will be passengers, has sparked considerable debate among society. In my view, the advantages of owning driverless vehicles significantly outweigh the disadvantages. One of the paramount advantages of automatically driving
is an efficient time taking
on the way. The machine has consistent speed and precise movement, in consequence, people who are passengers do not need to exhaust their energy throughout driving.
, humans can
do other activities that benefit from
as working in a car or building an engagement with a family or colleagues.
, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential drawbacks of automatic private
. Concerns may arise about high-risk accidents, potentially taking human lives. To address
, the government must ensure advanced cars are passed by enhancing quality control.
, the researchers and engineers may be focused on the utilities of
. It is imperative to strike a balance by integrating policy, research, and technology to give an impact in resistance relying on
risk. In conclusion,
there are disadvantages associated with automatic cars, I firmly believe that the advantages far outweigh these concerns. Enhanced car technology may maximize people’s activities and assist them efficiently with consistent speed and accurate movement. To ensure a successful implementation, governments and engineers should adopt a balanced approach that addresses the potential disadvantages
harnessing the tremendous benefits of driverless
Submitted by ru.kabiru.biru on

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task achievement
Improve the examples provided to better substantiate your points. For instance, mention real-world examples such as successful pilot programs of driverless cars in specific cities or the anticipated reduction in traffic accidents in places where automated cars are being introduced.
coherence cohesion
While the essay is structured well, some points could be elaborated more clearly. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence that is closely followed by illustrative examples or evidence.
Be mindful of minor grammatical errors to make your writing more polished. For example, the sentence 'The machine has consistent speed and precise movement, in consequence, people who are passengers do not need to exhaust their energy throughout driving.' could be improved for clarity.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear and concise introduction that presents the topic and the writer's viewpoint effectively.
coherence cohesion
The conclusion effectively summarizes the key points and reiterates the writer's stance, providing a balanced view that acknowledges both advantages and disadvantages.
task achievement
The essay provides a balanced discussion of both advantages and disadvantages of driverless vehicles, showing awareness of the complexity of the issue.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • driverless vehicles
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • increased safety
  • reduced traffic congestion
  • improved efficiency
  • accessibility
  • disabled
  • elderly
  • job displacement
  • privacy concerns
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