Nowadays, there are so many ways to learn or study, with the growth of
the Correct article usage
show examples
technology people can gain knowledge not only from offline but
from online.
, others think that studying
from Change preposition
show examples
online might not get the same benefits
ofChange preposition
show examples
, college or university.
many institutions still
usingWrong verb form
show examples
programFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to provide knowledge, I do think studying offline is still the best way.
, attending
is more effective
to communicateChange preposition
show examples
to learnWrong verb form
show examples
the subject with no additional cost.
, during
in 2020 all of the
inChange preposition
show examples
any level
appliesWrong verb form
show examples
schoolFix the infinitive
show examples
from home, they did an online class.
, not all
have the tools to access online
classFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, it was hard for the family
especiallyAdd the comma(s)
show examples
themCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
who lived in
suburbanAdd an article
show examples
area as
in Correct word choice
show examples
needWrong verb form
show examples
to provide
theCorrect article usage
show examples
laptop and
the internet.
are required to finish their
taskFix the agreement mistake
show examples
through Change preposition
show examples
online and many families
experiencedWrong verb form
show examples
during covid in 2020
in an elementary
received their
taskFix the agreement mistake
show examples
online and it required a lot of work. The parents need to print out the paper,
helpCorrect word choice
show examples
their children
to Verb problem
show examples
finish the homework
they need to
scannedWrong verb form
show examples
sentWrong verb form
show examples
it back to the teachers. During that phase, many parents
are Unnecessary verb
show examples
complaintReplace the word
show examples
and felt
stressfulReplace the word
show examples
, I believe studying online will not get the same benefits
byChange preposition
show examples
, college or university since it
wasWrong verb form
show examples
not effective.