IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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In the era of globalization, the scince has been involved in many sectors. Nevetheless, a wide range of individuals assuming that the necessary of sciebce is to ameliorate peoples life. I strongly agree with this argument. In this essay, I will elaborate on my point of view.
Nowadays, people go to the mall to buy the things for living. We call this activty as shopping. Shopping can be a daily task and also can be a reward for someone too.
Although we have a lot of sport complexes in the town, but citizens lead a physical inactivity habits. The main problem this cause is a chronic diseases which a results of sedenterism and the most viable solution is a warning people about the dangers.
Nowadays one of our main problem is having a large of gyms but a sedentary behaviour is ganging popularity in the world.The possible cause of this underlying problem cause of health issues .This essay will discuss solution of this dispute.
Congestion of the traffic is now causing problem in several cities around the world particularly in the developed countries. This problem has contributed people to raise the main issue and how to resolve it.
In our contemporary world adverts became integral part of our lives.Ads are able to announce newfounded features of specific companies or even tell about upcoming products of next years.While numerous individuals think that advertisement control what we purchase,others cling to the point of view of adverts as an useful source informing of products innovations.In this essay both opinions will be disscused before giving my own opinion.
Internet nowadays has paved our way to the next level of living. It has so much to offer either harmful or beneficial to our thriving society. The means of using internet enormously help people in a more convenient life for survival. While, others argued that it will cause oblivious when it comes to family matters.
The table illustrates the number of people who speak one of the six most wide-spread languages in the world. In addition to this, it represents the quantity of persons who know one of these languages as their second one.
The map above represents the layout of a university sports center currently and its future plans. Overall, there will be many changes, but most of the current center will be kept.
In modern society, there is an ongoing debate about whether children can learn cooperation through team sports or not, with some people believing that the best way to study cooperation is team sports. In this essay, I will argue and explain what team activities contribute to children.
In this modern era,people are struggling for better lifestyle .Mostly the individuals are moving to towns for better lifestyle,however the life of cities are very hard.In the following paragraphs,I will discuss the reasons of this trend and solutions to make the better living standard of people living in urban areas. The prominent problem faced by people living in cities is environmental pollution because in urban areas there is developed transportation and citizens use their private transports to travel on daily basis which emits a lot of pollution which can cause several health issues to people such as asthma.Thus,humans living in cities suffer from pollution problems.Moreover,people are facing unemployment in cities as there is a high competition between individuals and less job opportunities which result in poverty.Thus ,people become unable to fulfill their basic requirements and live a better life. ...
Recently the evidences of crime and abuse have been increased, hence theose have a negative impact on children's behaviour, in this essay I shall discuss my point of view according this subject, also I shall give my opinion
Nowadays, many companies use advertising to increase sales. However, advertisements have a strong impact on people around the world. In this essay, I will be explaining the effect of what we see on social media.
Nowadays, rural dwellers are moving to metropolis and cities, thus inhabitant in village are not increasing. In my opinion, moving to urban areas are not the best way.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is pollution in many cities.It is undeniable that cars has become an essential part of our life. However,these days everyone has their own car. Overreliance on cars at the expense of public transport has made this problem even worse, causing many concerned citizens to look for a solution to the problem.
Today, we are not witnessing the much wars as our granfathers were years ago and the word is a safer place in compare of a few decades ago. Some people beleive that governments should not spend money on army due to the less invasion is happening.In this essay I will argue reasons for spending money on armies. In my opinion, some places in the world, like middle-east still requiered to spend a huge amount of their nation's budget on their army and equipment.
Some people believe that keeping predators safe nowadays is just misspend of fund. I strongly disagree with ignoring the importance of wild animals on earth due to loss of biodiversity and possible danger to nature.
Adults mostly have specific opinion on lifestyle of humans while the part of the society consider those opinions unnecessary in raising kids of this century. I strongly agree with this idea of changing methods in terms of educational matters due to transformation of the current world and the need for an individual approach for youngsters.
The migration of youthful people from countryside to megapolises and towns is a growing trend worldwide. This shift often results in a demographic imbalance leaving only elderly people to live in the countryside that causes decline in the workforce. To adress this problem the infrastructure in countryside should be improved. This essay will discuss the problems caused by this and suggest possible solutions.
Recently,there was a debate with goverment due to an impact of horror films to society violence crimes assuming that such multimedias affects people and make them more aggressive.I completely diagree with such a statement.
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