In a current world where human rights are universally treated as a number one priority, many activists are convinced, that housing is not just a commodity and every individual must have a roof over his head. Having said that, with the tremendous increase in homelessness rate in many countries it's becoming more challenging to provide the required accommodation for everyone, and
, other activists doubt whether it should be considered a right altogether.
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, in an ideal scenario, the government grants its citizens a plethora of basic human rights in general: freedom of speech, right to privacy, security and life. Linking Words
, it can be concluded that all mentioned before elements naturally indicate, that a person must have a place of residence, for if he is homeless, how can the government guarantee the basic rights? Linking Words
, the authorities typically provide shelter for people in need, especially during rough weather conditions, in high-crime neighbourhoods or in times of economic crises.
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, it is extremely important to differentiate people who lost their homes under external circumstances or ones who never had a place of living from the start, from those who intentionally lost their property or were directly involved in Linking Words
process. Linking Words
For example
, if gamblers, drug addicts or sex workers lose their homes or get evicted Linking Words
as a consequence
of their reckless actions and they are still granted housing legally, it raises a sense of impunity among these groups as they may continue to behave the same way as they did before. Linking Words
, Linking Words
it is important to give a second chance, Linking Words
example creates a great dilemma for the question.
In conclusion, Linking Words
I firmly believe, that housing is an essential element of everyday life and it is important to help people in need of a roof over their heads, I disagree with the fact that it should be universally treated as a right. Linking Words
being a commodity of great value, it should not be abused in the contemporary world.Linking Words