is an important part of civilization since it reflects its culture. We could dive into one's character through his
since his pieces are reflections of his soul.
I think, it is important for
to study
at some
pointsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples
their life.
, I do not encourage
focusingChange the verb form
show examples
only on
rather than other subjects.
essay will discuss my arguments.
To commence with, studying
will be beneficial for
. They can express their feelings through
. They can
train their
craftmanshipCorrect your spelling
show examples
by making artworks
as sculptures, paintings, and music compositions.
, they can
sharpeningChange the verb form
show examples
their understanding
onChange preposition
show examples
people and
Correct article usage
show examples
by enjoying
artworksFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. As an example, I learned to play
pianoChange the article
show examples
when I was in elementary school. Even though I
doVerb problem
show examples
not become a professional pianist,
but Correct word choice
show examples
until today I play piano to express my emotions.
, I agree that studying
is very fruitful for
, I do not think it is productive for
to focus on
alone and to leave other subjects
,Remove the comma
show examples
unless they want to be an artist.
, not the main course for people to live.
other subjects
as science
isChange the verb form
show examples
important to
developWrong verb form
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
needsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
a little touch of culture.
, a doctor has studied in medical school to cure people. With additional knowledge in
, he will have
the Correct article usage
show examples
when dealing with patients.
, studying
is good for
in order to
equiptCorrect your spelling
show examples
hisCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
main profession in the future with sensitivities.
, unless he plans to be an artist, there is no need for
to focus only
inChange preposition
show examples
. I, personally experienced that
enriched my life.
, I encourage
to learn culture
sinceChange preposition
show examples
earlyCorrect pronoun usage
show examples