Modern society suffers from a vast
of various ecological problems, and the most serious one is global warming, the main causes of which are deforestation and
generation. The issue may be solved if the world
will avoidWrong verb form
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making crucial mistakes by spreading awareness of the consequences and controlling damaging actions by official laws.
Global warming is a result of the atmosphere being polluted by enormous amounts of various chemicals, and so-called greenhouse gases,
as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide,
. Cutting down forests is one of the main causes of carbon dioxide emissions. In order to create space for building infrastructure, farms, or factories, around twelve million hectares of forests are destroyed annually. When a tree is cut down, it releases the aforementioned greenhouse gas that had been stored inside for years.
, deforestation leads to
limitationCorrect article usage
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of nature's ability to extract filthy emissions from the atmosphere, since it is the function of trees, which are being destroyed. A major part of polluting emissions is transferred into the atmosphere
the generation of energy, which is produced by burning coal, oil, natural gas, et cetera. An uncountable number of various factories use the heat and electricity extracted
way on a daily basis, leading to the air being uncontrollably corrupted.
Despite the seriousness of the issue at hand, a number of certain measures may be able to make the situation better.
, numerous ecological organisations, movements and separate activists already take measures to reduce the
amountChange the quantifier
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of trees cut every year by spreading awareness of consequences among ordinary people and lobbying eco-friendly ideas to
governmentCorrect article usage
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and different companies, sometimes gaining
a Remove the article
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huge success and resulting in the appearance of stricter rules and laws on the process of cutting down forests, resulting in
reductionAdd an article
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of the
of carbon dioxide emitted in the air annually. Speaking of dealing with energy generation, there is always an option to switch to
the Correct article usage
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ways of producing electricity and
that do not require burning any raw materials.
, windmills already make nearly a quarter of the whole
created around the globe
,Remove the comma
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and do not pollute nature.
By spreadingChange preposition
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knowledge of various methods to
manufacturing in
“green” ways and lobbying the ideas to the government
is Unnecessary verb
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ought to have positive effects and changes, causing companies to change
theChange the word
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approach to energy creation, and creating restrictions of
extractmentCorrect your spelling
on a legislative level.
, it shall be said that global warming is a major issue looming over the whole world, caused by different kinds of human activities,
as deforestation and
, despite the seriousness of the problem, it is in society’s
to put it to
aChange the article
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end by making the world aware of the concerning trouble and causing the government to imply various ways to control the damaging actions of people.