What is the ultimate purpose of
? Some point out that the goal of
is to prepare
skillfulChange the spelling
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labour for contributing to
the Correct article usage
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, another group thinks that
exists to prepare
self actualisationAdd a hyphen
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. Personally, I do believe there can be more than
purpose of
. I will present both views above and provide my own
view pointsCorrect your spelling
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First of all, for those who believe that
is to allow
to hone
skillFix the agreement mistake
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required for the betterment of
the Correct article usage
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, they are coming from a
CollectivismReplace the word
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view. Where they focus more on a bigger community, like a nation
,Remove the comma
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than a single citizen.
angle of looking at
is not wrong at all because it is necessary to first have a thriving country in order to have
goodAdd an article
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quality of
liveReplace the word
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in the
the key for the
to advance is
to have
who are equipped with various
skillFix the agreement mistake
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and knowledge.
, comparing
between Change preposition
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the USA, a more developed country, and Ethiopia, a developing country, the number of illiterate is a lot less for the USA because the government enforced compulsory
On the
flippedReplace the word
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for Change preposition
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those who support that
is to prepare
individualFix the agreement mistake
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for chasing personal goals,
they Correct pronoun usage
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are coming from an
individualismReplace the word
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view, where they focus more on personal achievements.
to get in touch with the world and
provideCorrect subject-verb agreement
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them with the ability to
between good and bad,
to choose their own course of
liveReplace the word
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is all to equip everyone to be responsible for their own action, and
their own lives. Without
can hardly climb up the social ladder and achieve something more.
In my opinion, the above 2 viewpoints are not mutually exclusive.
can always contribute to
the Correct article usage
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and Correct word choice
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actualizing his or her own ambition. In fact, most of the time, an internal drive for
's own dream is the biggest momentum to foster societal growth.
Stephen Hawkin found his interest
toChange preposition
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sinceCorrect word choice
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he was at the age of 3. Without
passion, all the incredible discoveries he has made that
benefitsCorrect subject-verb agreement
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the entire human race would not be possible at all.
, I believe that these 2 views discussed are both legitimate and they are closely affecting