The presented table and pie charts compare data about how much money people earn and their spending on the 5 various sections in the UK at 2 points in time namely, 2010 and 2013.
, it was important that the average income was reduced Linking Words
the average investment and the percentage of dairy products, fruits, and vegetables increased over the period of 3 years.
Linking Words
According to
the diagram, at Linking Words
income composed 29,000; Linking Words
it declined to 25,000 in 2013: Linking Words
, the people's spending on food and clothes rose from 14,000 in 2010 to 15,000 in 2013.
The graphs demonstrate thatLinking Words
Meat and fish, the main sector that the British spent money on, constituted just under 30% in the beginning; Remove the comma
it decreased to 23%. Linking Words
In contrast
, fruits and vegetables formed just over a quarter in 2010; Linking Words
, it climbed to 30% in 2013. Other food made up the same portion at both times at 18%. Linking Words
In addition
, clothes and Dairy products composed 15% and 12% in 2010, after that, clothes 2% fell in 2013. Linking Words
, another one 4% grew in 2013.Linking Words