The presented pie charts compare data about the proportion of people who like to work in 6 various sections at 2 points in time namely, 2008 and 2014.
, it was important that the percentage of all sectors other than environmental and healthcare reduced over the period of 6 years.
Linking Words
According to
the diagrams, in the beginning, Educational, the main part in which most population liked to become a volunteer in 2008, composed just under 25%; Linking Words
it declined to the Linking Words
one in 2014, at 8%. Linking Words
environmental rose from 21% in 2008 to 34%, the main section in 2014. Linking Words
, Sports volunteers constituted 18% in 2008; Linking Words
, they decreased to 12%.
The graphs demonstrate that in 2008, both art and Other made up the same fraction at 15%; Linking Words
their portion reduced to respectively 12 and 9 per cent. medical care was Linking Words
in contrast
to previous items owing to the fact that it formed 7% in 2008 after that, it rose to exactly a quarter in 2014.Linking Words