and communities in various forms has remained an integral component of human evolution since ages. Nowadays, it is perceived perception that serving and helping society without getting paid should be a mandatory part of an early education-delivering institution. In my opinion, I firmly side my conviction in affirmation of
ideology as I believe that by instilling the sense of volunteering work from a young age, juveniles will generate a sense of gratification towards humanity
with Change preposition
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it will foster the pathway to achieve prosperity in one's professional life.
To commence with, pursuing an unpaid job voluntarily as a component of the high school program, especially related to serving the community develops
a certain typesCorrect the article-noun agreement
a certain type
certain types
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of emotions in a kid's mind
as incorporating
an Correct article usage
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empathy, compassion, kindness, modesty, and gratification towards all
to whom one is providing their help or assistance.
, these emotions may change the perception of a growing child into a more positive and thoughtful manner, as children will formulate the habit of serving selflessly without thinking about receiving any reward or money on behalf of their devotion to society.
, many childcare homes in China preach
practice as they believe that it is a moral duty of every growing Chinese population to serve their needy
without any
thoughtsFix the agreement mistake
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of gaining financial awards for their service.
, cultivating a norm of performing volunteering work in learning institutions at a young age bolsters the chances of accumulating
prosperity in the professional sector because the youngsters will already have the habit of working hard and serving their best as part of their volunteering activity which in turn will transfer the incorporated discipline to a person's professional job as well.
, considering the fact of earning superior financial rewards based on the delivered performances at the workplace, pushing oneself beyond limits won't be considered an obstacle to these working adults as they will benefit from delivering their best learned from past experiences.
, it is a proven statistic that those
who have done any sort of helping job in the community tend to work harder at their actual workplace compared to others and end up succeeding in their lives.
To recapitulate, as per a presented belief system,
should be mandated in the educational curriculum in the form of providing services in the communities in the possible numerous ways like adjoining charitable trusts, educating poor
or working for the betterment of the neighbourhood, as doing these things will be considered as a constructive amendment
its supplementing benefits.